Sunshine PCB GmbH
42899 Remscheid, Germany

+49 (0) 2191 9573-0
+49 (0) 2191 9573-45

Please calculate 4 plus 2.

Simply better quality

Total Quality Management

Our ultimate goal is your satisfaction. Therefore, we start with the topic of quality at an early stage by ensuring that we have understood your requirements in detail and implement them in the best possible way in terms of quality. For us, quality management is not limited to ensuring product quality through final quality control.

We follow strict hygiene and cleanliness guidelines in our manufacturing operations to ensure the subsequent reliability of the printed circuit boards. We ensure performance, functionality, and reliability of your product by objectively evaluating the quality through inspection and testing.

On request, the above tests can be extensively and individually documented and supplied with the printed circuit boards or sent as a PDF.

To ensure your product quality, the following measures are used, among others:

  • 100% innerlayer as well as outerlayer AOI
  • 100% electrical tests (bareboard netlist tests)
  • 100% visual final inspection
  • Laboratory tests for quality verification according to IPC test methods to ensure conformity and reliability
  • Impedance measurements with TDR or network analyzer (coupon or inboard)
  • Continuous monitoring of process chemistry
  • Failure analysis laboratory equipped with SEM/EDX, Temp/RH chamber, thermal shock, CAF, and ion chromatography at our Chinese production sites

The quality assurance system includes the following functions:

  • Compliance and QA maintenance
  • Quality engineering (CS)
  • Document control and specification inspection
  • Supplier quality and incoming goods inspection (IQC)
  • In-process quality control (IPQC)
  • Physical laboratory and chemical laboratory
  • Final Quality Control (FQC)
  • Final quality inspection (FQA)
  • Reliability testing and failure analysis
  • Internal quality audits; possibility of customer audits
  • Calibration

Protocols and documentation at a glance:

  • Initial sample inspection reports
  • Dimensional measurement reports
  • Standard QA report with each delivery
  • Individual test reports according to specifications
  • PPA documentation
  • ROHS/REACH confirmations
  • Certificate of Conformity (COC)


Our consistently high level of quality is evidenced by numerous certifications. In addition to ISO 9001, we are also certified to ISO 14001 and 5001. Our Chinese production facilities also have IATF 16949 and ISO 13485 certifications.

The PCBs are also UL, CE and in China CCC/CQC certified. Many materials and designs also meet UL 94V-0 classification. Our Remscheid site has UL E116303 certification, all Chinese sites are UL E229342 certified, and the Jiujiang I site is also UL E503852 certified. We ensure that your products conform to national and international laws.

Upon request, we can provide you with an individual audit so that you can convince yourself of our high quality and process reliability. We will be happy to provide you with insights into the entire process chain - from data preparation to production and shipping.